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Projects and Labs

Welcome to my project and labs portfolio, where I display a broad spectrum of personal work developed during my college career. Here, you will find a rich collection of work that underscores my ability to creatively tackle complex engineering challenges.


Mini MATLAB coding Projects involving Signals and Systems

MATLAB Transfer Function and Zero-Pole-Gain System Analysis For this mini project, I analyzed and compared two systems using MATLAB. First, I defined a transfer function system and observed its impulse response. Then, I created a zero-pole-gain model of another system, compared their impulse responses, and plotted them for visual analysis. I also simulated the time response to an input signal and calculated key performance metrics such as settling time, minimum and maximum values, and their corresponding times. Additionally, I examined the step response, obtaining detailed step characteristics like rise time and overshoot. Lastly, I generated and analyzed the Bode and pole-zero plots to understand the frequency response and stability of the systems.

MATLAB Frequency Response and Roll-Off Analysis For this mini project, I used MATLAB to analyze the frequency response of a system. I defined constants A, B, C, D, and E, then solved for the gain K in a magnitude equation. Using this, I computed the system’s transfer function $H(j\omega)$ and plotted the Bode magnitude plot. Additionally, I calculated key frequencies corresponding to -6 dB and -40 dB points and determined the system’s roll-off ratio in dB/octave.

MATLAB Signal Analysis and Fourier Transform In this mini project, I used MATLAB to analyze signals and their Fourier transforms. I generated a sequence of amplitudes, computed their frequency response, and plotted the magnitude of the Fourier transforms. Additionally, I created unipolar signals and examined their frequency characteristics. By adding noise to the signals, I analyzed the impact on their frequency response. I also convolved the signals with various functions and studied the resulting transformations. Finally, I calculated the power spectrum and determined the weighted average frequency for different signals.

Creative Inquiry

Space Flight Design Creative Inquiry 🚀

The Space Flight Design project, conducted by a multidisciplinary team of engineers at Clemson University, focused on launching a rocket equipped with environmental sensors to study atmospheric conditions at varying altitudes. This initiative aimed to gather data on temperature, pressure, humidity, and other essential atmospheric metrics during the flight. The project not only showcased the practical application of engineering skills but also provided significant insights into environmental and atmospheric science.


Graph Models of Electric Power Transmission Network ⚡

This project aims to enhance the operational reliability of modern power systems through advanced graph modeling techniques. By leveraging Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) data, the project constructs a Transmission Network Graph Model (TNGM) to improve power transmission and system monitoring. Using MATLAB and discrete particle swarm optimization (IPSO), the project develops an optimized mapping of network topology, complemented by an intelligent visualization tool for operator situational awareness. This approach provides a robust framework for managing and controlling power grid systems, enabling efficient and secure energy distribution across various regions.

x86 Assembly Lab 👨‍🔬

Lab 1

In this lab, I learned how to write, test, and debug assembly and C programs on Windows and Linux. I created an assembly program, transferred files between systems, and tested the program on Linux machines. This hands-on experience provided a solid foundation for future lab assignments and enhanced my understanding of cross-platform development environments. Lab1 file

Lab 2

In this lab, I learned about the importance and usage of registers, declaring and initializing global variables, and direct and immediate addressing in assembly programming. I performed basic operations such as move, add, subtract, multiply, and divide, and translated C code expressions into assembly language. Lab2 file

Lab 3

In this lab, I learned about flags and their role in assembly operations, the use of labels, and how to jump to labeled code sections based on flag conditions. I explored the compare instruction and its differences from C comparisons, applied conditional jumps, decomposed complex C conditionals into assembly, and understood how to perform unconditional jumps to different code segments. Lab3 file

Lab 4

In this lab, I differentiated between data, operands, results, and post-operation locations, and learned about various addressing modes in the Intel 80386, including register, immediate, direct, register indirect, direct indexed, and base indexed addressing. I applied these addressing modes to implement arrays, pointers, and data structures. Lab4 file

Lab 5

In this lab, I learned about the stack, its usage, and stack registers in programming. I implemented functions and subroutines in assembly language, understood the roles of the prolog and epilog, and worked with local variables. Additionally, I differentiated between iterative and recursive techniques and applied recursion to assembly programming. Lab5 file

Lab 6

In this lab, I explored how to pass arguments and parameters to assembly functions and return values from them. I also learned how to handle parameters and returns in recursive functions, gaining a deeper understanding of function calls and stack management in assembly programming. Lab6 file